Sunday, 20 January 2013

What is leadership really about?

Leadership is one of the most used words in the business world today because most people are aware of how vital great leadership is to the success of any organisation. But what is the essence of great leadership ?

That's a question I posed to Mike Shinton, Director at Ithaka Leadership Development. Mike worked for many years in a global pharmaceutical company, so he saw at first hand the profound difference that leadership has on an organisation. 

Mike said, "I believe leadership is essentially simple. It’s all about people, and getting the best out of everyone within an organisation.

They model the attitudes and behaviours that they want everyone within their organisation to adopt, thereby creating a culture where employees can thrive and grow and be the best that they can be. They do not seek power, but they take responsibility. They use their positional power to empower others. 

Inspire through leadership

" Great leadership is not about lighting a fire under people, it’s about lighting a fire within them."

They also create a compelling vision for the future, a vision that inspires and excites others to join them on the journey. They communicate this vision loud and often, and invite contributions from all, in the knowledge that real success comes from everyone pulling in the same direction, and feeling that they are a vital part of the team.

They also challenge the status quo. They constantly strive to look for better ways to do things, to implement positive change within their organisations, to improve process, efficiency, and the bottom line. But they don’t challenge in isolation. They are also very happy to be challenged, and will always listen to the thoughts and ideas from others, whatever their position.

One of the most forgotten attributes of great leaders is also in my opinion one of the most important – support. Great leaders will support their staff to do their work more effectively. They will enable them rather than get in the way, and then stand back and give their trust that the job will be done well.

Finally, for this article anyway, great leaders will always recognise the good things that their teams do. They will recognise in a way that is appropriate for the individual or team, and encourage them to do more of what they are doing. Most people go to work to do a good job, and to make a positive contribution. Just a simple pat on the back and “well done” can be so important.

Leadership is the engine that drives any organisation. Great leadership provides the power and acceleration to put an organisation firmly and securely on the winner’s rostrum. And that's what it really should be all about."

(Mike Shinton is a Director at Ithaka Leadership Development) 

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